Inspiring Faces – Rob Pattinson

I’m not blind to the faults of others. As a visual artist, I see tiny flaws in faces that others might overlook, which makes me very finicky. As a writer, I see many of these flaws as characteristics. This week’s inspiring face has a very unique look that lies somewhere between disheveled and polished…but both at the same time. His face has a strange symmetry to it that appeals to the portrait artist in me and has nothing to do with his popularity in Twilight or Harry Potter.  Still, I’m sure the Twilight fans will be thrilled to see him featured this week. The picture below is my favorite to date. I love the monochromed color scheme, composition, and  clean lines of his face matched up with the crisp clothing. I plan to do a sketch of this one for my private collection. Enjoy and let me know what you think is appealing about the photo.

Rob Pattinson at piano

Rob Pattinson at piano

Hump-day Hottie!

Changing the name. Apparently another blog has Hump-day Hotties. Since she started this before I did, I’m changing the name out of respect. Now, the Hump-day Hotties will be referred to as :


Inspiring Faces

The changes will include females as I see fit, along with descriptions on why I think the model, actor, or other person inspires (or should inspire) stories and other works of art.