Back again! (For good.)

I’m back with new books coming out soon.

I’ve lived what seems a thousand lifetimes since I was in the swing of things on the writing front. I’ve learned the craft under a high priestess, researched the paranormal, been on ghost hunts, been a Domme and kink coach, delved into some pretty interesting corners of life, been through the dating scene, found true love, and gained three bonus monsters (a.k.a. sons).

But with all the drama and bliss came a bounty of material for writing.

There is even a new Mr. Cameron. (Ha! Don’t tell him I said that.)

He’s pretty amazing. Imagine Jonas from the Blood and Sex series with pale skin, black hair, tattoos, an I.Q. that will make you swoon, charm, and the most amazing eyes. The two have a lot more than that in common. As my bestie says, “he has a panty-dropper voice”, too.   I swear, I think I conjured this man up all on my own by writing that book. He’s dreamy and gives me plenty of food for my ever hungry muse. *le sigh* I’m a pretty lucky girl these days.

So, I’ll keep this brief. I am updating everything. Once the face-lift is complete, I have some very exciting news.

–With Love–


woman holding heart shape with hands

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