Great Quotes on Writing

“If you want to write, write it. That’s the first rule.” –Robert Parker

“If you are a genius, you’ll make your own rules, but if not–and the odds are against it–go to your desk, no matter what your mood, face the icy challenge of the paper–write. “–J. B. Priestly

“To write is to write is to write is to write is to write is to write is to write is to write.” –-Gertrude Stein

“The writer’s duty is to keep on writing.”–William Styron

“The scariest moment is always just before you start. After that, things can only get better.” — Stephen King

“Good writing is essentially rewriting.” — Roald Dahl

“I can’t write five words but that I change seven.” — Dorothy Parker

“When I say writing, O believe me, it is rewriting that I have chiefly in mind.” — Robert Louis Stevenson

The best writing is rewriting.” — E. B. White